This document describes the procedure to follow in MSactivator™ to have secure ldap communication with LDAP server.
Changes to do on Client Side(API Container)
1) Update these variables in the MSactivator™ configuration
POST https://localhost/ubi-api-rest/system-admin/v1/msa_vars [ { "name": "UBI_LDAP_ENABLE", "comment": "enable ldap authentication", "value": "1" }, { "name": "UBI_LDAPS_ENABLE", "comment": "enable ldap authentication", "value": "1" }, { "name": "UBI_LDAP_SERVER", "comment": "enable ldap authentication", "value": "" } ]
Note : UBI_LDAP_SERVER should be the fqdn used to generate the server certificate
2) Copy the CA certificate from ldap server to /etc/pki/jentreprise/ directory in api container
3) Import the CA certificate to jvm keystore
keytool -importcert -alias startssl -keystore /etc/pki/jentreprise/cacerts -storepass XXXXXX -storetype pkcs12 -noprompt -file /etc/pki/jentreprise/ca.cert.pem
4) Update /etc/hosts file in API container
update with
in order to avoid loosing the host entry on every restart or upgrade of the image, we can add this below extra_host in docker compose that add the entry in hosts file.
extra_hosts: - ""
5) Restart the API Container
sudo docker-compose restart msa_api