Thanks for being interested in helping the OpenMSA™ project!
There are many ways to help the OpenMSA™ project…but first, please read and understand the Community Code of Conduct.
Become a power user
A great way to help the OpenMSA™ project is to become a power user:
Use OpenMSA™ everywhere you can
Read the official documentation
Study some of the many excellent books
Get certified.
When you become a power user, your ability and opportunities to help the OpenMSA™ project in other ways will multiply quickly.
Ask and answer questions online
Use the OpenMSA™ mailing list to reach out and communicate with your fellow OpenMSA™ users.
File and verify issues
All software has bugs, and OpenMSA™ is no exception. When you find a bug, you can help tremendously by telling us about it.
If the bug you found already exists in an issue, you can help by verifying the behavior of the reported bug with a comment in that issue, or by reporting any additional information.
Contribute to the documentation
You may feel a little overwhelmed with the idea of going into a project and giving back. Maybe you don’t feel your coding skills are up to the task. But you can contribute in more than one way to projects. You can help with documentation!
Understanding code is an important part of learning to code and writing documentation, however trivial, shows an understanding of not just the code but of people who are trying to access it.
The MSactivator™ documentation is hosted in Github.