msa arch da dev

The adapters are the "drivers" that allow the main MSactivator™'s engine to seamlessly communicate with the Managed Entities for configuration assurance, event collection, et cetera.


The adapters are designed per vendor because they need to address the specifics of each vendor especially when the Managed Entitie does not provide a REST management API.

The MSactivator™ provides a library of device adaptors ready to use.

The libraries are implemented in PHP which makes extension and customization easy.

How to find, install, activate the adapters

The Adapters are packaged in the MSactivator™, in the "msa_dev" container, under /opt/devops/Openmsa_Adapters which is a git repository configured to point to github.

$ sudo docker-compose exec msa-dev bash

Many other Adapters are available on the Adapters Github repository

The installation of an Adapter is covered in this documentation: How to install an Adapter

REST Generic adapter

The REST Generic adapter, available on Github will allow you to integrate most vendors that exposes a REST management interface API.

This adapter is included in the mini lab.

If you need to create a new vendor based on the REST Generic adapter, you can follow this guide in the next section

How to create a new vendor based on an existing adapter


Some adapters were designed to be generic in order to have little dependencies with a specific vendor.

This is the case for the REST and the Linux adapters.

  • The REST Generic adapter will let you quickly integrate a new managed entity with a REST based management API

  • The Linux Generic can be used for any Linux distribution or vendor model based on Linux

but you may want to also have the vendor name and entity model both appear in the list of supported vendor instead of REST/Generic or Linux/Generic.

Doing so will allow you to filter the microservice and deployment setting based on the vendor name and model name.

This will ease the organization of your integration files.

How to do it

Let’s assume that you want to add vendorA / modelX to the list of supported vendors.

You will need an access to the MSactivator™ CLI of the msa_dev container.

sudo docker-compose exec msa-dev bash
use msa_dev for MSactivator™ version 2.6 or older.

Create the new model in the Adapters github repository

If you followed the quickstart guide to install your instance of MSactivator™ the image msa_dev contains a clone of

We are going to create the new model in this local repository. Using a git repository has several advantages such as using a working branch to track your changes and revert them if needed or contributing to the community by creating a pull request to submit your code.

Go to the repository

cd /opt/devops/OpenMSA_Adapters/

Go to the adapter definition directory and create a new folder for your new vendor model. By convention the folder name should be defined as <vendor name>\_<model name>

cd adapters
mkdir -p vendorA_modelX/conf
cd vendorA_modelX/conf

You need to create 2 configuration files to define this new model:

  • : define the adapter properties for UI display (msa-ui)

  • sms_router.conf : define the adapter config for the Core Engine (msa-sms)

In the github repository you will find lot of doc and example about these files
# VendorA / ModelX              (1) = 18082020      (2) = VendorA = 18082020             (3) = ModelX

obsolete = false
1 any comment you find useful.
2 select a unique, numeric ID. Your current date it a good choice.
3 same as above.
the model ID and the manufacturer ID don’t have to be identical and you can have several models for the same vendor by using different model ID
# VendorA / ModelX                  (1)
model       18082020:18082020       (2)
path        rest_generic            (3)
1 any comment you find useful.
2 format: <>:<>.
3 the path to an existing adapter code (example: rest_generic or linux_generics).

Update file owner

chown -R ncuser.ncuser /opt/devops/OpenMSA_Adapters/adapters/vendorA_modelX

Install and activate the new vendor

Exit the docker container msa-dev and restart the API container and the CoreEngine service

$ sudo docker-compose restart msa-api
$ sudo docker-compose restart msa-sms

Verify your new vendor is available

Once the services have restart, you can connect to the UI to check that a new vendor/model is listed when you create a new managed entity.

adapter new vendorA modelX

First, verify that you can create a new managed entity and try to activate it.

During the activation, you can monitor the logs of smsd daemon from the Core Engine and check that the adapter code being used is the one from rest_generic (or any other you may have set in sms_router.conf above)

Login to the CoreEngine container

$docker-compose exec msa-sms bash

Set the configuration log level to DEBUG

# tstsms SETLOGLEVEL 255 255

Monitor the logs with tail

# tail -F /opt/sms/logs/smsd.log

It should output something similar to that. You can verify that the managed entity activation is relying on the adapter code specified in sms_router.conf

2020/08/18:14:39:09:(I):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: analysing verb JSAPROVISIONING arg BLR129
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING::   arg: aa aa
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: SMSSQL_GetSD current node name is msa, sdid = BLR129
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: Alloc SDINFO for BLR129
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: RUN script /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/do_provisioning.php
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: LOAD_ONCE /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/adaptor.php
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: LOAD_ONCE /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/rest_generic_connect.php
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: LOAD_ONCE /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/rest_generic_apply_conf.php
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: LOAD_ONCE /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/rest_generic_connect.php
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: LOAD_ONCE /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/provisioning_stages.php


2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: script /opt/sms/bin/php/rest_generic/do_provisioning.php executed in 0.105652 seconds
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(D):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: free SDINFO for BLR129
2020/08/18:14:39:09:(I):smsd:BLR129:JSAPROVISIONING:: ends OK

Adapter SDK

The Adapter SDK is composed of a set of PHP scripts that implement an API This API exposes functions such as:

  1. Asset management

  2. Status polling

  3. SshConnection

  4. Provisioning

  5. Update conf

  6. Backup conf

  7. Microservice commands (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, IMPORT)

Custom commands

It is possible to implement new custom commands that will be callable from the MSactivator™ API (verb JSACMD MY_COMMAND).

Status polling

The MSactivator™ CoreEngine daemon in charge of polling the device for availability is polld.

Logs: /opt/sms/logs/sms_polld.log

By default, polling is using ping, and for scalability and performance reasons the polling mechanism is implemented in the C programming language. This allows the MSactivator™ to poll several hundreds of managed entities per minute. For the devices that don’t support ping, or in case the polling has to be customized, it is possible to implement a custom polling in a php script:

Custom polling example:

On Stormshield the connection to the device is tested as shown below

  global $sms_sd_ctx;
catch (Exception $e)
  return $e->getCode();
return SMS_OK;

Asset management

The MSactivator™ CoreEngine can connect on a managed entity to fetch a set of predefined assets such as:

  1. Firmware

  2. Memory

  3. CPU

The specific model script retrieves information (via CLI, snmp, REST calls…​) into an array. The array is then passed to a specific callback in order to store the information in the database.

sms_polld_set_asset_in_sd($sd_poll_elt, $asset);
Custom asset management

It is also possible to extract custom assets. They will be stored in the database as a list of key values.

The asset mngt module uses regular expressions to extract the asset from the configuration.

These values are stored in a database that keeps the asset history.

The asset script is device specific and is located in:

Example on fortigate


$get_system_status_asset_patterns = array(
    'firmware'    => '@Version:\s+(?<firmware>.*)@',
    'av_version'  => '@Virus-DB:\s+(?<av_version>.*)@',
    'ips_version' => '@IPS-DB:\s+(?<ips_version>.*)@',
    'serial'      => '@Serial-Number:\s+(?<serial>.*)@',
    'license'     => '@License Status: (?<license>.*)@',

The regexp is executed against the result of the CLI : get system status.

Example on cisco


$show_ver_asset_patterns = array(
  'serial' => '@Processor board ID (?<serial>\S*)@',
  'license' => '@oftware \((?<license>[^\)]*)\)@',
  'firmware' => '@\), Version (?<firmware>[^,]*),@',
  'model' => '@^(?<model>[^(]*) \(.*with \d+K/\d+K bytes of memory@',
  'cpu' => '@^.* \((?<cpu>[^\)]*)\) processor@',
  'memory' => '@with (?<memory>\d*K/\d*K bytes) of memory@',

The regexp is executed against the result of the CLI show version.

Configuration management

Dialog with the managed entity

The following PHP scripts have to be created in the /opt/sms/bin/php/<model>/ directory.

This set of PHP scripts manages the dialog between the {produt_name} and the managed entity.


Provides access to the device for device connection and configuration update.


Manages the connection to the device (SSH, or REST, for example).

Microservice based configuration

PHP scripts to configure a device using objects:


Manages the OBMF specificities for the device.


Manages the main configuration methods for the managed entity (only update_conf() is used for objects).

Template based configuration

PHP scripts to configure a device using templates:


Generates and applies a configuration.

This task is also called automatically when the router configuration changes.


update_conf() should be enhanced to support configuration templates.


PHP scripts to do the initial provisioning of the device:


Generates and applies the initial configuration on the device. This is an asynchronous task, so a script must be provided to give an update on progress.


Describes all the provisioning stages. This is used to store the provisioning status into the database.


Provisioning action to lock the database for this device during the provisioning.


This is the initial connection test.


Add the device to the MSA local DNS.


Provisioning action to unlock the database for this device during the provisioning.

Other Features


Called by GUI (menu Monitoring → Get the running configuration).


Generate the staging configuration for the device (menu General → Staging).


Generate a backup of the device configuration.


Restore a configuration backup on the device.


Update the firmware of a device.

If a script is not present, the corresponding operation on the MSactivator™ will give the "Function not supported by the device" error.

Connectivity to the Devices

For the managed entities that expose a remote CLI based management interface the adapter API requires the implementation of a class that extends SshConnection.

SshConnection connection is defined in /opt/sms/bin/php/smsd/ssh_connection.php

SshConnection extends GenericConnection defined in /opt/sms/bin/php/smsd/generic_connection.php

SshConnection extends GenericConnection defined in /opt/sms/bin/php/smsd/generic_connection.php

adapter class hierachy

The class Connection


This class is always overridden by a generic connection. It defines functions such as the "get" and "set" attributes such as the prompt, the device IP (sd_ip_config) …​

The function connect It defines the main connect functions public function connect($connectString).

This function uses the PHP function proc_open to execute the connect command and opens file pointers for IO. The disconnect closes the IO file pointers and leaves a clean state.

Other function

sendexpectone for sending a command to a device and getting the result back.

public function sendexpectone($origin, $cmd, $prompt='lire dans sdctx', $delay = EXPECT_DELAY, $display_error = true)

Example (in Fortinet adaptor)

$buffer = sendexpectone(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__, $this, 'get system status', '\#');

The class GenericConnection


This class implements a constructor that initiates a class attribute.

Device information is read by calling the function get_network_profile().

get_network_profile is defined for each device in a PHP file located in:


This PHP file is an “image” of the device configuration as stored in the database.

This design allows a quick and easy access to device configurations such as IP, credentials, interface name, SNMP community, customer ID …​

The class SshConnection


It implements the function do_connect() that uses the function connect() from the class Connection:

parent::connect("ssh –p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no…

It uses the function expect() to check that SSH connectivity is OK (by checking that the result contains “Permanently added”).

The class SshKeyConnection


Allows public/private keys via SSH authentication with the device.


Fortiweb WAF on AWS requires this kind of authentication.

Other examples

Used in do_update_conf.php

$ret = linux_generic_connect();

Implementation of ‘Update Configuration’

Base operation for implementing:

  1. The initial provisioning

  2. The template-based configuration

  3. The Microservice CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE operation

Implemented by do_update_conf.php

Can be called directly by the MSactivator™ CoreEngine API, it is an asynchronous process, its status can be monitored.

Managed entity activation (initial provisioning)

The MSactivator™ executes a set of steps to activate the device.

The steps can be customized to do additional operations.

Default steps:

Defined in provisioning_stages.php

$provisioning_stages = array(
0 => array('name' => 'Lock Provisioning',     'prog' => 'prov_lock'),
1 => array('name' => 'Initial Connection',    'prog' => 'prov_init_conn'),
2 => array('name' => 'Initial Configuration', 'prog' => 'prov_init_conf'),
3 => array('name' => 'DNS Update',            'prog' => 'prov_dns_update'),
4 => array('name' => 'Unlock Provisioning',   'prog' => 'prov_unlock'),
5 => array('name' => 'Save Configuration',    'prog' => 'prov_save_conf'),

Configuration backup/restore


Based on the verb GETSDCONF (see which is implemented by do_get_sd_conf.php for each device.


The implementation will vary depending on the vendor.


Fortinet uses TFTP and CLI execute restore config tftp. Cisco ISR first tries to SCP to flash and to TFTP and then reboots.

Connectivity fallback mechanism

By default, the device adaptor uses secure protocols to communicate with the devices (SSH or TFTP).

When these protocols fail (the device doesn’t support them or firewall restrictions – which might be unlikely), there is a fallback mechanism to protocols such as Telnet or TFTP.


in cisco_isr_connect.php

Microservice implementation

The implementation of the functions CREATE/READ/UPDATE/DELETE/IMPORT is specific to the vendor.

this is especially true for the IMPORT.

CREATE/READ/UPDATE/DELETE are using the functions to apply conf, this is similar to the configuration update.

IMPORT needs to be aware of the device configuration structure.

It is necessary to provide a unified GUI to build the import but with devices that have different data models.

for REST based managed entities, the IMPORT is usually generic since the response is formatted in XML or JSON (cf. rest_generic)

The MSactivator™ CoreEngine API

As well as named verbs, these commands can be used to interact directly with the MSactivator™ CoreEngine from the CLI.

The can also be executed with a REST API:

HTTP Request: /sms/verb/{verb}/{deviceId}

Method: POST

Parameter Name Type Description






the database ID of the managed entity



Initial provisioning


Check initial provisioning status


Update configuration




Get router running configuration


Get router generated

The verbs are associated to specific PHP do_<verb>.php:


This will retrieve the running configuration of the device and use the implementation of do_get_running_conf.php.

Operation status feedback

During operations done by the MSactivator™ CoreEngine, especially the asynchronous ones, the status of the ongoing operation can be set for the user by the PHP scripts. How to update the status depends on the operation.

Initial Provisioning

Set provisioning status for a provisioning stage.

sms_bd_set_provstatus($sms_csp, $sms_sd_info, $stage, $status, $ret, $next_status, $additionalmsg)
Configuration Update

Set the update status of the configuration update of an equipment.

sms_set_status_update($sms_csp, $sdid, $error_code, $status, $e->getMessage())

This has covered various aspects of Adapter development. If you have further questions, please contact for more information.