msa arch bpm use

BPM (Business Process Management) allow the execution of complex business processes by automating a flow of workflow execution.


The integrated BPM engine can be accessed by clicking the "Automation" link in the left menu.

You need to select a subtenant to see the list of BPM that can be executed for a specific subtenant. BPM definition and instances work in a similar way as for workflows: you first need to associate a BPM to a subtenant and then each execution of a BPM will create a new instance that can be managed.

Use the "i" (information icon) to open a BPM instance and view it’s detailed status.

A BPM instance can be deleted with the "trash" icon.

bpm execution

Execution management


The BPM engine will start executing the BPM tasks one by one and the status of the current workflow process execution will be updated live in the view "LATEST EXECUTION RESULT".

Click "Show Tasks" to see the detail of the process execution.

BPM execution tracking

bpm execution tracking

Pause and resume

With the execution breakpoints the execution of a BPM can be paused until the user manually resume the execution

It can be used to execute complex BPM with several part and allow for manual validation of each intermediate steps.

When a BPM execution is paused, the instance will be listed with an empty execution end date.

Resume a BPM execution

bpm user breakpoint


The execution of a BPM can be cancelled any time by clicking on the "Terminate BPM" button at the top right of a BPM execution screen.

bpm termination


The execution of a BPM can be scheduled to run once at a predetermined date or in a recurring way for a predefined duration. The list of scheduled executions is available and any scheduled execution can be canceled

bpm scheduling

Table 1. BPM scheduling
Schedule Execute Every Pick at least one Start date End date




define when the process should execute



execution frequency


define the start date

define the end date


execution frequency


define the start date

define the end date


execution frequency

Select the week day(s) for execution

define the start date

define the end date


execution frequency


define the start date

define the end date


execution frequency

Select the month(s) for execution

define the start date

define the end date